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Cat Vomit, Its Symptoms And Treatments

Although seeing our furries vomiting makes us distressed, do note that most cases of cat vomiting are harmless. There are many reasons for cats vomiting and not all calls for medical attention. However, if you find your feline vomiting often or throwing up blood, rush them to the vet. 

This article will discuss everything you need to know about cat vomiting, from how to soothe your kitty at home to symptoms to look out for in serious cases. 

Why Do Cats Vomit?

  • Hairballs:

    Worried about cat throwing up hairballs or why do cats vomit? Cat hairball vomit or cat puking is caused by swallowing loose fur and hair that accumulates in the food canal. This causes cat hairball vomit or cat puking, making you wonder why is the cat throwing up hairballs. 

  • Gastroenteritis:

    Cat throwing up hairballs or why does my cat throw up after eating, and cat throwing up food? Gastroenteritis is a digestive disorder in cats that is characterised by cat vomit, cat hairball puke, and even cat vomiting and diarrhoea. Ingesting any toxic or contaminated food can lead to bouts of cat vomit.

  • Foreign Bodies or Obstructions:

    Are you wondering why does my cat keep throwing up, or vomiting in cats when to worry? Cats sometimes ingest foreign matter during their haunts, causing them to gag, and cat furball vomit. So, if your cat is known for cat hairball and vomit or cat puking, ingesting foreign bodies can be the reason behind the cat furball vomit. 

  • Food Allergies and Inflammatory Bowel Disease:

    Cat vomit or cat puking can also be a result of various food allergies and inflammatory bowel diseases. Cats often end up eating allergens that may trigger cat keeps throwing up food, cat hairball puke and cat puking.

  • Systemic Illnesses:

    Worried about cat throwing up hairballs? While cat hairball vomit or cat vomit can be caused by relatively harmless factors, cat hairball and vomit can also inform you of underlying health conditions. Systemic illnesses in cats often have cat vomit, cat throwing up food, cat vomiting and diarrhoea, or cat hairball puke as a common symptom and require urgent treatment.

  • Parasites:

    Cat vomiting and cat hairball vomit can also be caused by parasites like tapeworm and hookworm that enter a cat’s digestive system from ingesting contaminated food or faecal matter, leading to cat hairball puke. 

  • Cancer:

    Although rare, cases of feline cancer can result in prolonged bouts of cat throwing up and cat vomiting bile, and require medical intervention for why does my cat throw up. 

Types of Cat Vomit

  • Colour:

    The reason behind the cat hairball and vomit is commonly determined by the colours, such as orange, yellow and black suggest the presence of undigested food particles in the cat hairball and vomit or cat throwing up food.  

  • Foamy:

    Foamy cat furball vomit is common in cats and is a result of accumulation of hair in the food pipe. Cat bile also takes the appearance of foamy cat hairball vomit. 

  • Blood:

    Although unusual, red-coloured cat vomit indicates the presence of blood and requires immediate veterinary attention.

Different Colours of Vomit and its meaning

  • Coloured vomit:

    Coloured cat hairball vomit, such as yellow, orange and black results from undigested food particles present in the vomit in cases like cat not eating and throwing up.

  • Foamy vomit:

    Foamy cat hairball vomit is often clear or white and results from swallowing excessive loose fur. 

  • Bloody vomit:

    Bloody cat vomit has a distinctive red or blackish appearance.

Take Extra Care of Cat

Cat hairball vomit can take a toll on your munchkin’s health. Some extra care, cat food for cats that throw up, and vet attention can help your furball feel better.

Changes in Diet Plan

If your cat is puking frequently, consider changing their diet plan to cat food for cats that throw up after consulting with the veterinarian.  Cat food for cats that throw up should be easily digestible to prevent further vomiting. 

Veterinarian Examination and Testing

Wondering about vomiting in cats when to worry or why do cats vomit? If you are one of the cat parents worried about my cat is throwing up, the wisest choice would be to consult a veterinarian. 

Cat vomiting does not always call for concern and can be as common as cat furball vomit, however, in cases where my cat is throwing up food more frequently than usual, it is important to visit a veterinarian without much ado. Cat vomit is often indicative of underlying health concerns such as parasites, gastroenteritis or cancer, that need to be adequately treated before the condition worsens. 


When should I be concerned about my cat throwing up?

Cat parents often worry about my cat keeps throwing up. Although cat vomit does not always call for immediate concern, bloody or black cat vomit can indicate serious health issues such as parasites, gastroenteritis, and even cancer that needs to be immediately diagnosed and treated. 

Why did my cat suddenly vomit?

Worried about why do cats vomit? Vomiting in cats can be induced by several non-threatening factors, such as hairballs, swallowing foreign particles or obstructions, and even mild allergic reactions to food. 

What does concerning cat vomit look like?

Wondering about vomiting in cats when to worry? Cat throwing up does not always call for immediate attention, however, cat vomit with colours such as bile or bloody red can raise an alarm. 

How do you treat a vomiting cat?

Wondering why does my cat throw up after eating? If your fur baby is vomiting frequently, it is wise to adopt precautions, in addition to changing their diet, making sure they are well hydrated, and relocating or isolating them in multi-cat households.

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